Learning Online

All four courses in the GHG Management Certificate program are taught in the English language and are available as online courses. The first of these courses, EMSE 6290:  Climate Change: Policy, Impacts, and Response, is also available in the fall semester of odd-numbered years as an in-person course at the Foggy Bottom campus of GW. Students can obtain credit towards the certificate for that course through either the online course or by signing up for the in-person course. The other three courses are only available online.

Your courses will use the BlackBoard learning management system. You will use the Blackboard Collaborate feature or WebEx for live synchronous sessions each week as well as group collaborative sessions. You will also learn by using blogs, chat rooms, discussion boards, and wikis as well as a host of other innovative features of BlackBoard.

Throughout the course, you will have access to a set of pre-recorded interactive lectures that you can explore at your own pace at any time that is convenient for your learning. These convey the core of the content and help you develop and assess your knowledge. You’ll explore content in detail during the synchronous sessions and in a variety of imaginative assessments.

Faculty will be available within the Blackboard system, via email, and synchronous sessions, and via asynchronous messaging and postings on the Discussion Board and other tools in Blackboard to answer your individual questions and to guide your learning. Our faculty offer a combined 100+ years of experience advising, consulting, teaching, and reporting on areas related to this program in the private, non-profit, government, and academic sectors.