University Operating Status Update for Jan. 6

Due to winter weather, all university campuses and centers are closed, with adjustments to classes and work schedules, on Monday, Jan. 6. This includes the Foggy Bottom, Mount Vernon, and Virginia Science and Technology campuses; the Biostatistics Center; and the Alexandria and Arlington Education centers. See Campus Advisories for important details regarding classes, work schedules, and services.

Environmental and Energy Management Institute
Environmental and Energy Management Institute

Environmental and Energy Management Institute


The George Washington University’s Environmental and Energy Management Institute (EEMI) was chartered as a University-wide institute in 2015 to advance human knowledge applicable to pragmatic, implementable, non-regulatory, next generation self-governance solutions that are primarily focused on national and international standards for environmental, energy, and sustainability management.

The EEMI, housed within the School of Engineering and Applied Science, is physically located in Suites 103 and 104 of the Tompkins Hall of Engineering at 725 23rd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20052. This location is on 23rd Street, NW, between G and H Streets, NW.

The mission of the Institute, which involves all Schools and Programs across the University, is to conduct state-of-the-art, relevant research, to promote graduate and professional education, and to undertake service activities that are pertinent to the application and implementation of national and international standards for the management of environmental, energy, and sustainability challenges facing organizations and communities throughout the Nation and the world.

Focal Areas

The EEMI Mission is currently directed at the following focal areas of interest: